Thursday, March 18, 2010

Gibberish and Brain Farts

Another day in this beautiful place we call Guam, “Where America’s Day Begins”.

-One of the hot, important, pressing issues facing our beloved Legislature this week was the name of the island. Some folks have proposed that the island be renamed back to its old Chamorro name, which I believe is Guhan or Guahan. I don’t know what it is and to be honest I could give a shit. I just find it funny that the Leg has time to debate this trivial nonsense, like there aren’t more pressing issues that they could be discussing. There are real problems here, from infrastructure issues to the proposed military buildup, but they have to waste time on this. Yeah, we have a great government here on Guam. Like someone once said, the politicians should be required to wear the same kind of uniforms that NASCAR drivers wear; that way you could tell who bought and paid for them.

-As I was standing in the rain working at one of our cell sites this morning, one of my friends called me wanting to chat. Since he and I both have tendencies to be Full Bore Assholes from time to time, it was a nice chat and set the tone for the entire day. The main reason for the call was that he was looking for a piece of test equipment, which I happened to have in my hand at that moment, but it turned into one of our usual conversations about the state of our employer. He also reminded me that, since our supervisor was unceremoniously canned a few weeks ago, we really have no boss right now. It’s not like our old supervisor did a lot of “do this, do that” stuff, because she knew that we knew what needed to be done and did it without a lot of input from her anyway. Just seems weird to not have a boss.

-I’ve come to the realization that the only good reason to watch CNN anymore is because some of their newscasters are beautiful women, which I fully support. There is no good news anymore, and hasn’t been for about 20 years. Mostly I just tune in to see who in government slept with someone or something they shouldn’t have. Why bother with standup comedians when we have an entire Congress filled with them?

-It only takes one quick look in my refrigerator to realize that, if told I had to go on a vegan diet, I would probably die. It’s a little known fact that vegetables scream horribly when cooked or eaten raw, it’s just that human hearing can’t identify the noise. They suffer terribly, and salad bars in particular are the modern day equivalent of The Killing Fields. Potatoes and rice also react horribly to being devoured, but I’m basically immune to their suffering. Once again, let me remind all who are reading this that Pigs Are Tasty Animals. I’m already thawing out the sausage I intend on devouring tomorrow morning to accompany the biscuits that I normally eat for breakfast. There is also some bacon in there somewhere that won’t make it through the weekend either.

-A great but short talk with my incredible daughter today. She just wanted to touch base and attempt to get my granddaughter to say hi to me. Instead, the grand decided that the moment was right for a screaming fit, because Mommy would not allow her to climb all over the furniture. The grand is now 14 months old, and I was reminded how much fun kids are at that age. Everything is new to them, and they also want to see how much they can get away with. From the sound of it, my daughter is an awesome mother, and that makes me happy. I knew she would be, and she’s proving me right at every turn.

-The wife is still in the PI and we are still dealing with some financial issues relating to her health care. When we spoke earlier today, she and her family are in the process of getting ready for the local fiesta, which means cooking a ton of food. Looking now at mid-April before she’s back on island. Needless to say, I miss her a lot.

Winning the lottery tonight, even if only 4 figures, would solve a lot of problems. Just saying.

“I’ve had a wonderful evening, but this wasn’t it.”-Groucho Marx

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