Brief notes on topics that are on my mind……
Body Odor
Got on an elevator the other day with a woman who was clearly having BO issues. We were the only ones in the elevator, & even though I was on the other side of the car, I could clearly smell her nasty ass. Granted, she was dressed fairly well, but that didn’t hide the fact that she reeked. It’s even worse when it’s woman, because my experience with most women is that they don’t have the same problem with BO as men. This woman was clearly having some hygiene issues.
Do people who suffer from excess body odor know that they suffer this affliction? Have some of them not heard about these products known as soap or deodorant, perfume? As the late comedian Red Fox once said, “Ya gots to wash your ass.”
Then there is the other end of the spectrum. The wife and I were in the grocery store the other day, and there was an older lady pushing a cart around who you could also see the fumes coming off of. This foul odor, however, was caused by the fact that it smelled like she had poured a liter of very cheap perfume all over herself. The kind of perfume that young girls sometimes wear when they hit a certain age and discover makeup and other womanly products. You could sense her presence an isle away, almost feel the smell coming off of her. Horrible, horrible. I love the smell of perfume on a woman, but there is such a thing as too much. When The Gorgeous One wears perfume, there is just a hint of it, and it drives me insane, but in a good way. Makes me want to touch her a lot, hold her in my arms and just take in all of the sensations, the good smell, the soft skin, the entire wonderful package.
Liberation Day
Tomorrow is Liberation Day here on Guam. For those of you who are not familiar with it, it’s a holiday where we celebrate the liberation of Guam from the Japanese during World War II. This year marks the 66th anniversary of the liberation of the island. LD is the biggest holiday on Guam, without any doubt. There is a huge parade through Hagatna, the carnival is in full swing at Chamorro Village, and there will be fireworks. People generally camp out on the parade route starting tonight, and there is a lot of BBQ and beer involved. It’s generally a really good time, even if all you do is just walk around and people watch. Since The Gorgeous One and I live less than 50 meters from the parade route, we’ll probably do what we did last year, which was go watch a little of the parade, then head home and hang out. I just came back from Hagatna, and the insanity has already started.
Burnt Meat
Speaking of BBQ, the wife and I had the opportunity to spend Saturday evening at her aunt’s house in Yigo (northern end of the island), where they were celebrating a birthday. Two of the people involved are professional cooks, and there was a lot of awesome BBQ ribs, both pork and beef, involved, as well as a ton of other food. I ate so much that it didn’t take long before I was suffering the ill affects of Meat Sickness. That feeling where you have eaten so much and don’t feel like doing anything that remotely involves movement. So full that your pants don’t fit well, and you hope that by taking a shit it will relieve some of the pressure. Consequently, we ended up taking some leftovers home, and they were almost as good the next day fresh from the microwave.
It turns out that The Gorgeous One has found some employment, at least part time, and has to go to a meeting next week. The notification came a couple of hours ago, and my mahal seems happy about it. She will be working with her cousin and the job itself is nothing that she can’t handle. I’m happy for her, because she is slowing going insane at home with nothing to do. She’s like me in that neither one of us tolerates boredom very well.
Have a Happy Liberation Day everyone!
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