Some notes on a topic that I think we can all relate to. Well, most of us anyway. Some of our fellow members of society apparently don’t have a clue.
Because of my profession, I get to spend a lot of time on elevators, going to the top floors of buildings to work on cell sites. The other day, I was riding up to the top floor of one of the buildings in Hagatna, when a moderately attractive woman boarded the elevator. Being an admirer of the female form, my eyes were naturally drawn to her. A moment later, one of my other senses was also aroused. I couldn’t help but notice that this woman, well, there’s no other way to say this, stunk. In the close confines of an elevator, it was apparent that this somewhat pretty young lady had not spent any time with soap and water in recent days. The smell wasn’t bad enough to gag a maggot, but it was still pretty dire.
Now I can understand that sometimes, we all smell bad. I am by nature a profuse sweater, and take steps to work around this issue, deodorant and a change of shirts always being handy in the event I sweat through my shirt. My question is this: do people who aren’t really good at personal hygiene not know that they’re grossing out the rest of us? And, how do you handle a situation like that, etiquette-wise? “Pardon me, but did you wash your ass today? Your body odor is blasting us over here.”
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Then there is the other side of this particular coin. The wife and I were in the grocery store the other day picking up a few things, when she dispatched me over to the dairy aisle to pick up some eggs. When I rounded the corner, I was nearly knocked to my damn knees by a wall of perfume. It wasn’t that the scent of the perfume was particularly bad. It was obviously some high-end stuff. There was just a LOT of it. The smell in question happened to be coming from a lady who was pushing 70 and wearing more cosmetic products than your average 15 year old girl who is just starting to learn how to use makeup. Either this woman had almost no sense of smell or just didn’t care, but if the smell of her perfume was a sound, it would have been like standing next to a 747 at full takeoff power. I like perfume, and I like it when my wife wears perfume. My wife, however, knows the difference between “just enough” and “too much”. She wears just enough that you notice it, but not enough to cover her natural scent (which I find better than any perfume). Some woman either don’t know the difference between “just enough”, “too much” and “can smell you 10 miles away”, or just don’t give a shit.
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There are actually people in this world in developed countries who, after taking a shit and wiping their butts, don’t wash their hands. This is also beyond disgusting to me. If you’ve been dropping off some kids at the pool, at least have the common fucking courtesy to wash your hands after you get done. Same same for those times you feel the need to masturbate at places other than the privacy of your own home.
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Most of us, I think, know about good personal hygiene and practice it on a regular basis. It’s pretty obvious, just in the few distinctive examples I laid out above, that there are more than a few who have no idea.
As comedian Red Fox once said, “Ya gots ta wash your ass.”
Because of my profession, I get to spend a lot of time on elevators, going to the top floors of buildings to work on cell sites. The other day, I was riding up to the top floor of one of the buildings in Hagatna, when a moderately attractive woman boarded the elevator. Being an admirer of the female form, my eyes were naturally drawn to her. A moment later, one of my other senses was also aroused. I couldn’t help but notice that this woman, well, there’s no other way to say this, stunk. In the close confines of an elevator, it was apparent that this somewhat pretty young lady had not spent any time with soap and water in recent days. The smell wasn’t bad enough to gag a maggot, but it was still pretty dire.
Now I can understand that sometimes, we all smell bad. I am by nature a profuse sweater, and take steps to work around this issue, deodorant and a change of shirts always being handy in the event I sweat through my shirt. My question is this: do people who aren’t really good at personal hygiene not know that they’re grossing out the rest of us? And, how do you handle a situation like that, etiquette-wise? “Pardon me, but did you wash your ass today? Your body odor is blasting us over here.”
+ + + + +
Then there is the other side of this particular coin. The wife and I were in the grocery store the other day picking up a few things, when she dispatched me over to the dairy aisle to pick up some eggs. When I rounded the corner, I was nearly knocked to my damn knees by a wall of perfume. It wasn’t that the scent of the perfume was particularly bad. It was obviously some high-end stuff. There was just a LOT of it. The smell in question happened to be coming from a lady who was pushing 70 and wearing more cosmetic products than your average 15 year old girl who is just starting to learn how to use makeup. Either this woman had almost no sense of smell or just didn’t care, but if the smell of her perfume was a sound, it would have been like standing next to a 747 at full takeoff power. I like perfume, and I like it when my wife wears perfume. My wife, however, knows the difference between “just enough” and “too much”. She wears just enough that you notice it, but not enough to cover her natural scent (which I find better than any perfume). Some woman either don’t know the difference between “just enough”, “too much” and “can smell you 10 miles away”, or just don’t give a shit.
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There are actually people in this world in developed countries who, after taking a shit and wiping their butts, don’t wash their hands. This is also beyond disgusting to me. If you’ve been dropping off some kids at the pool, at least have the common fucking courtesy to wash your hands after you get done. Same same for those times you feel the need to masturbate at places other than the privacy of your own home.
+ + + + +
Most of us, I think, know about good personal hygiene and practice it on a regular basis. It’s pretty obvious, just in the few distinctive examples I laid out above, that there are more than a few who have no idea.
As comedian Red Fox once said, “Ya gots ta wash your ass.”
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