Sometimes something totally unanticipated and completely stupid can happen that changes your whole outlook about a day. Usually it’s something bad, someone says something horribly stupid or an event pops up out of the blue to throw some bad karma at your ass. Then there are times (and it’s not very often), a good thing will happen, totally out of left field, that makes you change perspective completely, if only for a couple of hours.
This is exactly what happened to me yesterday.
I had just picked up The Wife from her job serving school lunches to the Youth of Guam. Now normally, the drive home is an opportunity for The Gorgeous One to vent about the horrible shit she had to deal with while at work, and I usually just let her rip. I am if nothing else an attentive listener, and since I love to hear her talk, it’s all good for me. Better for her to get it all out of her system than stay inside and fester, which usually results in a scuffle between her and I later in the evening.
There she sat, blabbing away with me hanging on every word, when she happened to make a comment about how the food that they serve is “hospital food that has no taste”. For some strange reason, this struck me as being insanely funny, and I started laughing out loud. Suddenly, the funk I had been living in for the entire week lifted. Gone. Vanished. When I started laughing, she started laughing, and a bad day suddenly turned into a completely different beast.
It was also another reminder (if I needed one) as to why I fell in love with this woman in the first place. There are times when being married really sucks ass, and there are other times when really good shit happens that totally outweigh the minor annoyances. This was one of those moments.
The rest of the day couldn’t have been better. Suddenly, my mood had shifted 180 degrees, and I was happy. Bounced back to work smiling, even when shit got weird again. Drive to the far reaches of the island to check out something minor that maybe a handful of people really care about? No sweat, I’m all over it. Clean up a mess that some inconsiderate asshole left at a cell site? Why certainly, I have no problem at all doing that. Deal with rush-hour traffic and the hordes of people driving HUA (Head Up Ass)? Sounds like fun to me, let’s throw some tunes on and rock out.
(BTW, to those of you who were out and about around 6:15 PM last night and happened to hear a white guy singing along, rather badly, with Bruce Springsteen to some “Thunder Road”, I apologize. I was “in the moment” as it were.)
It continued when the workday ended and I went back home. The Wife and I joked a little more after my arrival. The wife explaining her dinner to me (soft rice with chicken, a.k.a. Filipino comfort food, while I made hash browns and Spam sandwiches, just chitchatting and enjoying each others company. As we both sat in front of the TV’s (me in the living getting my nerd on with Alton Brown on Food Network, The Wife rocking some Endless Love on GMA in the bedroom), I thought that the day was a good one, warts and all.
Funny how life works sometimes.
This is exactly what happened to me yesterday.
I had just picked up The Wife from her job serving school lunches to the Youth of Guam. Now normally, the drive home is an opportunity for The Gorgeous One to vent about the horrible shit she had to deal with while at work, and I usually just let her rip. I am if nothing else an attentive listener, and since I love to hear her talk, it’s all good for me. Better for her to get it all out of her system than stay inside and fester, which usually results in a scuffle between her and I later in the evening.
There she sat, blabbing away with me hanging on every word, when she happened to make a comment about how the food that they serve is “hospital food that has no taste”. For some strange reason, this struck me as being insanely funny, and I started laughing out loud. Suddenly, the funk I had been living in for the entire week lifted. Gone. Vanished. When I started laughing, she started laughing, and a bad day suddenly turned into a completely different beast.
It was also another reminder (if I needed one) as to why I fell in love with this woman in the first place. There are times when being married really sucks ass, and there are other times when really good shit happens that totally outweigh the minor annoyances. This was one of those moments.
The rest of the day couldn’t have been better. Suddenly, my mood had shifted 180 degrees, and I was happy. Bounced back to work smiling, even when shit got weird again. Drive to the far reaches of the island to check out something minor that maybe a handful of people really care about? No sweat, I’m all over it. Clean up a mess that some inconsiderate asshole left at a cell site? Why certainly, I have no problem at all doing that. Deal with rush-hour traffic and the hordes of people driving HUA (Head Up Ass)? Sounds like fun to me, let’s throw some tunes on and rock out.
(BTW, to those of you who were out and about around 6:15 PM last night and happened to hear a white guy singing along, rather badly, with Bruce Springsteen to some “Thunder Road”, I apologize. I was “in the moment” as it were.)
It continued when the workday ended and I went back home. The Wife and I joked a little more after my arrival. The wife explaining her dinner to me (soft rice with chicken, a.k.a. Filipino comfort food, while I made hash browns and Spam sandwiches, just chitchatting and enjoying each others company. As we both sat in front of the TV’s (me in the living getting my nerd on with Alton Brown on Food Network, The Wife rocking some Endless Love on GMA in the bedroom), I thought that the day was a good one, warts and all.
Funny how life works sometimes.
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