This week is not starting out well. In fact, the month of September has found me pissed off pretty much all the time. Anger seems to be my normal state, which is pretty unusual for me. Normally, I’m a pretty laid back guy, more or less. I do get upset every now and then, but nothing like this. Can’t remember the last time I got pissed off and stayed pissed off. Usually there are lulls in the anger when I’m having a bad week or month. Little things that pop up to lighten the mood, make me laugh out loud, make me not think about the things that are causing me such frustration. Days will go by when I can’t stop from smiling and feeling lighthearted. People laugh at me when I walk through the hallways at work, singing Who songs off-key with a bounce in my step.
Lately, though, the small bursts of levity that interject themselves have been few and far between. A part of it has to do with one of my bosses, who is driving me absolutely insane and keeps fueling the fire with his micro-management and utter stupidity. Getting calls at 9 PM on a Saturday night and then having to explain to him very basic concepts. Reminding him over and over again about things that were told to him months ago that are now suddenly the most important crisis on the planet.
We have a problem that was created due to poor planning and incredible stupidity by a guy who has since been fired, and who I have more or less taken over for. Every Tuesday morning, I am forced to sit in a meeting, and this problem gets mentioned during these meetings. The managers within my department know about it, and have known about it for some time, and never really acted all that concerned about it. Until now, that it, when suddenly it’s a huge issue that requires all and asundry to drop what they were doing to focus on the problem.
Dropping a dime on him and his ilk with the CEO of the company didn’t help things. In fact, it didn’t get shit accomplished. He was in my departments building the other day, and when he saw me, he made mention of the problem. My first words to him were, “This problem has been going on for 3 years now. I don’t understand why it is now a crisis.” What I soon learned is that my bosses failed to let him know about this problem, as he pretty much had no idea that it was going on.
Now that the problem at hand is now at the Major Crisis Level, my second level boss has decided to revert back to his micro-managing ways, and is basically nitpicking everything to do with the crisis. Top all of this off with the fact that I have to explain the exact nature of the problem by going back to the basic theory behind all of it, explaining shit to him like you would a ten year old, and you can see some of my unqualified frustration. Not only do I have to explain all of this, I have to do so OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER again. Like the motherfucker has a learning disability or something.
Most of the time, I can escape all of this when I get home with the wife, and most of the time she’s able to lift my spirits without really trying very hard. Alas, this has not been the case, as she is also a source of frustration and irritation. It’s a given that wives tend to nitpick a fella. Normally, this doesn’t bother me that much. I just ignore it and go on from there. But her nitpicking has reached a bad level, topped by the fact that she’s on her period. NOTHING I do is right or pleases her. I’ve even heard comments about the way I breathe, for Christ’s sake. Sometimes it’s all I can do to keep from saying, “You don’t like living with me? Can’t deal with all of my issues, both real and imagined? Fine. Pack your shit and get out. I’ll put you on a plane in the next 24 hours, and you can go do whatever you want to do without having to deal with me and all the things you don’t like about me.” I love the woman to death, think she’s the most beautiful creature on the planet, but there are times when she drives me right to the fucking edge.
So, the next time you see me walking down the street and I look like I have a bit of a chip on my shoulder, it’s because I do. Right now, I am one pissed off white boy.
Lately, though, the small bursts of levity that interject themselves have been few and far between. A part of it has to do with one of my bosses, who is driving me absolutely insane and keeps fueling the fire with his micro-management and utter stupidity. Getting calls at 9 PM on a Saturday night and then having to explain to him very basic concepts. Reminding him over and over again about things that were told to him months ago that are now suddenly the most important crisis on the planet.
We have a problem that was created due to poor planning and incredible stupidity by a guy who has since been fired, and who I have more or less taken over for. Every Tuesday morning, I am forced to sit in a meeting, and this problem gets mentioned during these meetings. The managers within my department know about it, and have known about it for some time, and never really acted all that concerned about it. Until now, that it, when suddenly it’s a huge issue that requires all and asundry to drop what they were doing to focus on the problem.
Dropping a dime on him and his ilk with the CEO of the company didn’t help things. In fact, it didn’t get shit accomplished. He was in my departments building the other day, and when he saw me, he made mention of the problem. My first words to him were, “This problem has been going on for 3 years now. I don’t understand why it is now a crisis.” What I soon learned is that my bosses failed to let him know about this problem, as he pretty much had no idea that it was going on.
Now that the problem at hand is now at the Major Crisis Level, my second level boss has decided to revert back to his micro-managing ways, and is basically nitpicking everything to do with the crisis. Top all of this off with the fact that I have to explain the exact nature of the problem by going back to the basic theory behind all of it, explaining shit to him like you would a ten year old, and you can see some of my unqualified frustration. Not only do I have to explain all of this, I have to do so OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER again. Like the motherfucker has a learning disability or something.
Most of the time, I can escape all of this when I get home with the wife, and most of the time she’s able to lift my spirits without really trying very hard. Alas, this has not been the case, as she is also a source of frustration and irritation. It’s a given that wives tend to nitpick a fella. Normally, this doesn’t bother me that much. I just ignore it and go on from there. But her nitpicking has reached a bad level, topped by the fact that she’s on her period. NOTHING I do is right or pleases her. I’ve even heard comments about the way I breathe, for Christ’s sake. Sometimes it’s all I can do to keep from saying, “You don’t like living with me? Can’t deal with all of my issues, both real and imagined? Fine. Pack your shit and get out. I’ll put you on a plane in the next 24 hours, and you can go do whatever you want to do without having to deal with me and all the things you don’t like about me.” I love the woman to death, think she’s the most beautiful creature on the planet, but there are times when she drives me right to the fucking edge.
So, the next time you see me walking down the street and I look like I have a bit of a chip on my shoulder, it’s because I do. Right now, I am one pissed off white boy.
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