We all have them. Those things that we like to stuff into our faces, either to fill an obvious void (hunger), a reward for something that we may have done, or just the simple fact that we want to indulge in something tasty. It’s called snacking, or as I sometimes refer to it, snackage.
The Gorgeous One and I were talking about snackage the other night, and it got me to thinking about the garbage I like to stuff into my pie hole on a regular basis. Sort of a self analysis of what it is that I like to munch on, instead of balanced nutritious things.
Pop Tarts
Rarely if ever do these things actually get in the general vicinity of a toaster in my house. The wife actually tried one for the first time the other day and wasn’t impressed. I like ‘em straight out of the box, in quantity.
Salted-In-The-Shell Peanuts
I sometimes argue that, “hey, they’re nuts and therefore are nutritious”. The wife argues, “but they’re very salty”. I buy them in 3 pound bags, and rarely does a bag last a week. For some reason, they just taste better right out of the shell.
Watermelon Seeds
This is hands down the wife’s favorite thing to snack on, or what I refer to as “your heroin” when I buy her a new bag. We buy them in 1 pound bags, and if there are some in the house, she’s probably eating them.
Cap’n Crunch Cereal
Cold cereal in general has been a favorite for my entire life. Once in a while I’ll have a bowl with milk, but most of the time, I’m eating it right out of the box. Cap’n Crunch (all three varieties) make for great “sitting on your ass in front of the television” snacking. Horribly sweet, no nutritional value whatsoever, and very tasty. A person could probably get diabetes from eating a box with the Crunch Berries in it because this particular brand takes sweetness to an entirely obscene level.
Another snack that the wife and I have discussed, with me again arguing that it’s a dairy product and I’m thus getting my daily intake of calcium. She believes that it's one of the reasons I'm getting fat. I like to buy the large blocks of it and cut huge chunks off. Forget crackers; they’re not necessary. I lean towards sharp cheddar and Colby for munching, but Edam and Gouda also work quite well.
Little Debbie Fudge Brownies
The first day my wife actually spent on Guam, she was introduced to this particular treat, because I had two boxes of ‘em in the refrigerator. Now we can’t keep them in the house. I once ran into a sale at our local grocery on these particular plastic wrapped pieces of awesomeness, and bought 5 boxes. The wife chastised me slightly before we basically destroyed one box in the space of fifteen minutes. Chocolaty goodness.
Sky Flakes
A cracker made in the Philippines. Similar to saltines, but a lot crispier and taste better than any saltine you have ever eaten. Here on Guam, they sell them in big plastic tubs, and they’re really great just by themselves.
C2 Green Tea
OK, technically it’s a drink and not a snack. The wife and I both drink a lot of it, as we have been trying to cut back on the soft drinks. We buy it in 500 mL bottles and keep it in the fridge, ice cold. Very light, totally refreshing, and not terribly overpoweringly sweet.
On second thought, maybe this self examination thing wasn’t such a good idea. Damn, I eat a lot of junk!!
The Gorgeous One and I were talking about snackage the other night, and it got me to thinking about the garbage I like to stuff into my pie hole on a regular basis. Sort of a self analysis of what it is that I like to munch on, instead of balanced nutritious things.
Pop Tarts
Rarely if ever do these things actually get in the general vicinity of a toaster in my house. The wife actually tried one for the first time the other day and wasn’t impressed. I like ‘em straight out of the box, in quantity.
Salted-In-The-Shell Peanuts
I sometimes argue that, “hey, they’re nuts and therefore are nutritious”. The wife argues, “but they’re very salty”. I buy them in 3 pound bags, and rarely does a bag last a week. For some reason, they just taste better right out of the shell.
Watermelon Seeds
This is hands down the wife’s favorite thing to snack on, or what I refer to as “your heroin” when I buy her a new bag. We buy them in 1 pound bags, and if there are some in the house, she’s probably eating them.
Cap’n Crunch Cereal
Cold cereal in general has been a favorite for my entire life. Once in a while I’ll have a bowl with milk, but most of the time, I’m eating it right out of the box. Cap’n Crunch (all three varieties) make for great “sitting on your ass in front of the television” snacking. Horribly sweet, no nutritional value whatsoever, and very tasty. A person could probably get diabetes from eating a box with the Crunch Berries in it because this particular brand takes sweetness to an entirely obscene level.
Another snack that the wife and I have discussed, with me again arguing that it’s a dairy product and I’m thus getting my daily intake of calcium. She believes that it's one of the reasons I'm getting fat. I like to buy the large blocks of it and cut huge chunks off. Forget crackers; they’re not necessary. I lean towards sharp cheddar and Colby for munching, but Edam and Gouda also work quite well.
Little Debbie Fudge Brownies
The first day my wife actually spent on Guam, she was introduced to this particular treat, because I had two boxes of ‘em in the refrigerator. Now we can’t keep them in the house. I once ran into a sale at our local grocery on these particular plastic wrapped pieces of awesomeness, and bought 5 boxes. The wife chastised me slightly before we basically destroyed one box in the space of fifteen minutes. Chocolaty goodness.
Sky Flakes
A cracker made in the Philippines. Similar to saltines, but a lot crispier and taste better than any saltine you have ever eaten. Here on Guam, they sell them in big plastic tubs, and they’re really great just by themselves.
C2 Green Tea
OK, technically it’s a drink and not a snack. The wife and I both drink a lot of it, as we have been trying to cut back on the soft drinks. We buy it in 500 mL bottles and keep it in the fridge, ice cold. Very light, totally refreshing, and not terribly overpoweringly sweet.
On second thought, maybe this self examination thing wasn’t such a good idea. Damn, I eat a lot of junk!!