“Depression is merely anger without enthusiasm.” – Steven Wright
Lots of negative karma floating around where I work, which is why I feel the need to get a couple of things off my chest, as it were.
Lots of negative karma floating around where I work, which is why I feel the need to get a couple of things off my chest, as it were.
There are two individuals in my department at work whose major talent seems to be sucking up to one of the executives in our company, who happens to be in our chain of command, as it were. They both deny it, but then in the same breath will shamelessly lick his ass at the drop of a hat. Both of them used to work for the executive in question when he ran another company, and apparently have a lot of experience sucking this guys balls.
Now I know that in this economy, people have to do whatever is necessary to keep a roof over their heads and food in their stomachs. With that said, though, I would rather pull minimum wage as a greeter at Kmart before having to resort to blowing an executive to get ahead. I don’t have a whole lot of pride or dignity, but I do have to look at the man in the mirror in the face every morning.
I’ve always been a firm believer in the concept of working hard and letting the work speak for itself. I’ve also believed that those who have to suck dick to get ahead are the lowest of the low (unless, of course, the person in questions happens to be a prostitute, where the sucking of dick is basically part of the job description). Worse than used car salesmen and lawyers (the ass kissers, not the prostitutes). Sadly, the two individuals of whom I speak don’t feel the same way. Both of them are disgusting and I avoid even casual conversation with them. Why waste air and time on people who are utterly useless?
Kinda sad, and more than a little disgusting to watch the shameless ass-kissing/ball licking. Thinking about buying these two individuals some Tic-Tacs and some kneepads and giving them to them, just to let them know that we all know what they’re doing. It might be me, but most of us don’t like having to talk to someone whose breath reeks of penis.
Speaking of said executive, I had a small run-in with him this morning. It was a minor thing, but it just reinforced the fact that he is a weasel and a chickenshit son-of-a-bitch. It reminded me yet again, as if I needed another reminder, that my current place of employment is simply a paycheck and nothing more. Three years ago, I actually looked forward to coming to work, couldn’t wait to get there. Now, I do what I have to do, no more and no less. I avoid all of the so-called “leaders and managers”, do my thing, and try to keep my mouth shut.
There are certain things and certain songs that should never be rerecorded or even attempted. This thought crossed my mind as I was standing in line at McDonalds and heard a remake of “Achy Breaky Heart” in Chamorro. It was horrible in English, and even worse in Chamorro. If someone ever decides to release a compilation CD of “Songs to Commit Suicide To”, the Chamorro version of “Achy Breaky” would be on it. Horrible, horrible.
The planning for the company Christmas party is already underway. This is highly unusual where I work because they normally wait until the middle of November to start it. By then, all of the “good” places have usually been booked, and the folks who do the planning in our company are left to find something decent.
In spite of the title of this blog, I’m against mandatory fun (meaning social events that a person is pretty much required to attend), and I usually avoid company gatherings like syphilis. If it’s done right this time, I may reconsider. The Gorgeous One has never really met that many of the people I work with, and since we don’t go out much, it might be a good opportunity to throw some fancy clothes on, have a nice dinner, and maybe get a little drunk with some of the cool people I work with. With that said, I also have the feeling that whoever is planning the event will probably fuck it up in some way. Decide to make it a themed event that has nothing to do with Christmas, in which case I’ll once again avoid said party.
Another coffee and a smoke? Why yes, that sounds good.
There are two individuals in my department at work whose major talent seems to be sucking up to one of the executives in our company, who happens to be in our chain of command, as it were. They both deny it, but then in the same breath will shamelessly lick his ass at the drop of a hat. Both of them used to work for the executive in question when he ran another company, and apparently have a lot of experience sucking this guys balls.
Now I know that in this economy, people have to do whatever is necessary to keep a roof over their heads and food in their stomachs. With that said, though, I would rather pull minimum wage as a greeter at Kmart before having to resort to blowing an executive to get ahead. I don’t have a whole lot of pride or dignity, but I do have to look at the man in the mirror in the face every morning.
I’ve always been a firm believer in the concept of working hard and letting the work speak for itself. I’ve also believed that those who have to suck dick to get ahead are the lowest of the low (unless, of course, the person in questions happens to be a prostitute, where the sucking of dick is basically part of the job description). Worse than used car salesmen and lawyers (the ass kissers, not the prostitutes). Sadly, the two individuals of whom I speak don’t feel the same way. Both of them are disgusting and I avoid even casual conversation with them. Why waste air and time on people who are utterly useless?
Kinda sad, and more than a little disgusting to watch the shameless ass-kissing/ball licking. Thinking about buying these two individuals some Tic-Tacs and some kneepads and giving them to them, just to let them know that we all know what they’re doing. It might be me, but most of us don’t like having to talk to someone whose breath reeks of penis.
Speaking of said executive, I had a small run-in with him this morning. It was a minor thing, but it just reinforced the fact that he is a weasel and a chickenshit son-of-a-bitch. It reminded me yet again, as if I needed another reminder, that my current place of employment is simply a paycheck and nothing more. Three years ago, I actually looked forward to coming to work, couldn’t wait to get there. Now, I do what I have to do, no more and no less. I avoid all of the so-called “leaders and managers”, do my thing, and try to keep my mouth shut.
There are certain things and certain songs that should never be rerecorded or even attempted. This thought crossed my mind as I was standing in line at McDonalds and heard a remake of “Achy Breaky Heart” in Chamorro. It was horrible in English, and even worse in Chamorro. If someone ever decides to release a compilation CD of “Songs to Commit Suicide To”, the Chamorro version of “Achy Breaky” would be on it. Horrible, horrible.
The planning for the company Christmas party is already underway. This is highly unusual where I work because they normally wait until the middle of November to start it. By then, all of the “good” places have usually been booked, and the folks who do the planning in our company are left to find something decent.
In spite of the title of this blog, I’m against mandatory fun (meaning social events that a person is pretty much required to attend), and I usually avoid company gatherings like syphilis. If it’s done right this time, I may reconsider. The Gorgeous One has never really met that many of the people I work with, and since we don’t go out much, it might be a good opportunity to throw some fancy clothes on, have a nice dinner, and maybe get a little drunk with some of the cool people I work with. With that said, I also have the feeling that whoever is planning the event will probably fuck it up in some way. Decide to make it a themed event that has nothing to do with Christmas, in which case I’ll once again avoid said party.
Another coffee and a smoke? Why yes, that sounds good.
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