Some people tend to use the word “geek” in a negative context. Like it’s some sort of insult to be referred to as a geek. The dictionary defines the word as meaning “a person who is preoccupied with or very knowledgeable about computing” or “a boring and unattractive social misfit”.
I for one have no problem with the word in either definition. While I don’t fit the strict confines of the first definition, I have been accused of being a geek for some of my other preoccupations. As for the second definition, I’ve pretty much felt that I am outside of what many in society would consider “normal”, which I don’t have a problem with at all. Better to be unique and what I describe as “wonderfully weird” than just one more sheep.
With all of that said, I do believe that there are some newer definitions of geek that fall outside of being obsessed with computers.
Star Wars Geek
There is a big stereotype concerning this particular type of geekness; that the people who love Star Wars are truly losers. OK, I’m guilty as hell about this one. I have been known to quote lines from the original three movies, most often to people I want to offend or when it amuses me. Everyone who knows me knows that I’ll drop some Master Yoda on them in a heartbeat.
Deadliest Catch Geek
A newer obsession for many, including me. People like to talk about their favorite boat or their favorite captain, obsessing over crew members and other trivia. Even the voiceovers by Mike Rowe also come into play. “200 miles west of Dutch Harbor, sits the Assholian.” I’m not as obsessed about it as some of my friends are, but I do like to peep out the show when I can.
Who Geek
Those who know and love me know how utterly obsessed about The Who that I am. Simply put, they are the greatest rock band ever to walk the planet as far as I’m concerned. I actually celebrate Pete Townshend’s birthday every year, and “Won’t Get Fooled Again” is the ringtone of choice on my phone to delineate friend from idiots. Basically, if someone is obsessed about any band, that could be considered as geek-like behavior, but in my case it’s The Who.
American Idol Geek
People go bat-shit crazy over this TV series, something I have never really understood. I have friends who can tell you who has won and who came in second every year that the show has been on the air, some even going as far to know who released what album from the Idol alumni. While I am totally not into it at any level, I can understand the attractiveness of it.
Glee Geek
My daughter, and countless thousands of other people, have lost their collective minds over this television show. There are Glee Gatherings, where like-minded people come together and watch this program. While I have never really gotten into it, I can appreciate the show for what it is.
Software Geek
A variant on the traditional definition, describing those who are obsessed with software, especially free or cheap software. Some of my friends actually collect programs like we used to collect baseball cards as kids. I’ve heard the phrase “I’ve got a program for that” so many times, I start to wonder if they have a program that will give them a beer and a blowjob as well. (If said program exists, I’ll be wanting a copy of it).
Porn Geek
Don’t really know if this falls into the category of geekiness, rather than just categorized as “obsessively horny” or “compulsive masturbator”. Collectors of porn to a grand scale, filling up hard drives and DVD collections, even going as far as cataloging their collection and rating each and every DVD/download. Some are specific in their tastes, while some really aren’t that picky. I know a guy in Korea who has probably the largest collection of lesbian porn that I have ever seen, literally hundreds of DVD’s and many gigabytes of downloaded material. Kinda creepy in its own way, but then again, everyone has to have a hobby.
Lord of the Rings Geek
A variant of the Star Wars geek, except that these folks are obsessed with the movies and not so much the books, although many “Rings” geeks are obsessed with both. As to my personal views on the subject, the character Randall in the movie “Clerks II” pretty much summed it up nicely and hilariously.
These are just some of the examples of geekiness that are out there. I’m sure that there are countless others, but these are some of the types of geekness that I run into on a pretty regular basis. If you happen to fall into one of these categories, or there is something else that you happen to obsess about, I say let your geek flag fly. Wear it proudly, and never be ashamed of what you are.
It’s a little known fact that us geeks will someday take over the world, and those who are considered “normal” are just gonna have to deal with it.
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