“Masquerading as a man with a reason, My charade is the event of the season, And if I claim to be a wise man, it surely means that I don't know.”
– Kansas “Carry On Wayward Son”
Like a lot of people, I would someday like to be “J.K. Rowling Rich”. Unlike a lot of people, it’s not because I want to roll around in a ton of cash, buy a lot of shit for myself, live in the lap of luxury, wipe my ass with $50 bills. No, I want the money so I can help out those I love and spoil the three significant women in my life (daughter, wife, grand daughter) utterly rotten. So my wife doesn’t have to look through the bargain bin at the grocery store for one of her favorite snacks (Goldilocks cakes). To be able to buy things for her that I know she loves; simple things that bring a smile to her face. I want my beautiful and smart as hell grand daughter to be able to attend the college of her choice, cost be damned. My daughter behind the wheel of the car of her choice, and not having to sweat the cost of gas or insurance. To be able to not worry about making the paycheck stretch until the next payday, indulge myself when the urge to buy some DVD’s or books strikes me.
Hence the reason I play the lottery. You may say it’s a long shot, but then again, stranger things have happened. There was a guy here on Guam who had never played the lottery but bought a ticket just because his cousin was buying one and decided to take a shot, and ended up winning $500K. It’s a long-shot, sure, but you can’t win if you don’t play, so play I must. Saturday nights jackpot is $12 Million Large Dollars, so I may double up my purchase.
It’s pretty cool when music can surprise you. A song or an artist you haven’t heard in a long time suddenly pops up and brings a smile to your face. That’s kind of where I’m at right now, listening to a lot of Boston and Kansas. Massive slabs of music that you can wrap yourself up in, feed the soul, make you forget about some of the shitty aspects of life, even for a few moments. If you have never heard Boston’s “Walk On Medley” off their fourth album, by all means buy/download it. That and some Kansas “Song for America”.
Barbequed pork is just another way that God tells us He loves us, severely. I had the leftovers from Saturday nights outing up in Yigo for lunch, and it’s even better (if that’s even possible) than it was when it was hot off the grill. It really doesn’t get much better than pig meat cooked over flame outside. Between that and the awesome chicken wings I inhaled Saturday night, the Gorgeous One and I were both suffering the effects of meat sickness. That feeling when you know that you have eaten way way way too much food.
White guilt “refers to the concept of individual or collective guilt often said to be felt by some white people for the racist treatment of people of color by whites both historically and presently.” That’s the definition of the term as found on Wikipedia. I have news for some of the people on this island who may think I suffer from this; I don’t. My ancestors never persecuted anyone, and as far as I know never reacted in racist ways towards anyone. I say that so that the people who continually ask me for money to buy gas (or crack) when I walk into a grocery store will stop doing it. While I’m not on public assistance, I am not rich simply because I happen to be white. The concept that white people might actually not have money just falling out of their pockets is apparently a foreign one to a lot of people.
The wife has been suffering greatly from a pinched nerve in her neck/shoulder, and when she suffers, I suffer. Not from any phantom pains or anything like that. My sweet, wonderful wife, when she’s sick, sometimes turns into an evil person, and this evil is naturally directed towards me. Since I know the source of it all, I try my best to just ignore the snappy attitude and try to be the supportive husband, doing whatever I can to try to make her feel better. So far, she’s been to a chiropractor, two massage therapists, and a couple of doctor visits, and none of them have really worked. She’s on a ton of drugs, including Valium for pain, and we’re hoping that the damn nerve starts to heal soon. It’s driving her crazy, and me along with it.
More later. Must Work Now.
– Kansas “Carry On Wayward Son”
Like a lot of people, I would someday like to be “J.K. Rowling Rich”. Unlike a lot of people, it’s not because I want to roll around in a ton of cash, buy a lot of shit for myself, live in the lap of luxury, wipe my ass with $50 bills. No, I want the money so I can help out those I love and spoil the three significant women in my life (daughter, wife, grand daughter) utterly rotten. So my wife doesn’t have to look through the bargain bin at the grocery store for one of her favorite snacks (Goldilocks cakes). To be able to buy things for her that I know she loves; simple things that bring a smile to her face. I want my beautiful and smart as hell grand daughter to be able to attend the college of her choice, cost be damned. My daughter behind the wheel of the car of her choice, and not having to sweat the cost of gas or insurance. To be able to not worry about making the paycheck stretch until the next payday, indulge myself when the urge to buy some DVD’s or books strikes me.
Hence the reason I play the lottery. You may say it’s a long shot, but then again, stranger things have happened. There was a guy here on Guam who had never played the lottery but bought a ticket just because his cousin was buying one and decided to take a shot, and ended up winning $500K. It’s a long-shot, sure, but you can’t win if you don’t play, so play I must. Saturday nights jackpot is $12 Million Large Dollars, so I may double up my purchase.
It’s pretty cool when music can surprise you. A song or an artist you haven’t heard in a long time suddenly pops up and brings a smile to your face. That’s kind of where I’m at right now, listening to a lot of Boston and Kansas. Massive slabs of music that you can wrap yourself up in, feed the soul, make you forget about some of the shitty aspects of life, even for a few moments. If you have never heard Boston’s “Walk On Medley” off their fourth album, by all means buy/download it. That and some Kansas “Song for America”.
Barbequed pork is just another way that God tells us He loves us, severely. I had the leftovers from Saturday nights outing up in Yigo for lunch, and it’s even better (if that’s even possible) than it was when it was hot off the grill. It really doesn’t get much better than pig meat cooked over flame outside. Between that and the awesome chicken wings I inhaled Saturday night, the Gorgeous One and I were both suffering the effects of meat sickness. That feeling when you know that you have eaten way way way too much food.
White guilt “refers to the concept of individual or collective guilt often said to be felt by some white people for the racist treatment of people of color by whites both historically and presently.” That’s the definition of the term as found on Wikipedia. I have news for some of the people on this island who may think I suffer from this; I don’t. My ancestors never persecuted anyone, and as far as I know never reacted in racist ways towards anyone. I say that so that the people who continually ask me for money to buy gas (or crack) when I walk into a grocery store will stop doing it. While I’m not on public assistance, I am not rich simply because I happen to be white. The concept that white people might actually not have money just falling out of their pockets is apparently a foreign one to a lot of people.
The wife has been suffering greatly from a pinched nerve in her neck/shoulder, and when she suffers, I suffer. Not from any phantom pains or anything like that. My sweet, wonderful wife, when she’s sick, sometimes turns into an evil person, and this evil is naturally directed towards me. Since I know the source of it all, I try my best to just ignore the snappy attitude and try to be the supportive husband, doing whatever I can to try to make her feel better. So far, she’s been to a chiropractor, two massage therapists, and a couple of doctor visits, and none of them have really worked. She’s on a ton of drugs, including Valium for pain, and we’re hoping that the damn nerve starts to heal soon. It’s driving her crazy, and me along with it.
More later. Must Work Now.
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