Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Ashokan Farewell

"Ashokan Farewell", better known as the theme song from Ken Burn's "The Civil War" has been playing in my head and on my stereo at work and in the car for a while now. The theme of the music kind of matches where I am in my head right now. If you have never heard it, go on Youtube and do a search, either on Ashokan Farewell or "The Civil War Music". It's an instrumental that's all violin and guitar. Slow, ploddingly slow, filled with regret, some sadness, and just a touch of backward looking thrown in for good measure.

I have to do something real soon that I am not looking forward to. It's necessary, at least in my mind, but "necessary" doesn't make it more pleasant. For me or anyone else involved. In some ways, the actions I will be taking will be decidedly unpleasant.

There are significant changes coming. Some of them soon, within hours. Others over a course of time. With these changes will come a mix of sadness and anger for some, relief for others.

Anger at me.
Wasted opportunities.

Change is in fact inevitable, but not necessarily good. No, these changes won't be good, not by a long shot.

I just hope that everyone involved understands that the actions I am about to take are both regrettable and necessary, at least where I am sitting. These decisions are ones that I have made and delayed, but the time has come to "get to the getting". To "piss on the fire and call the dogs".

The results of these changes will speak for themselves, in ways I probably cannot even fathom right now. I hope that the actions I am about to take work out well for all involved. Given that it's something I'm doing, probably not, but hope springs in the heart of a fairly young man.

Let's just see what happens.

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