There are people that I know who believe that “the silent treatment” is a great tool for punishing people around them in a subtle but unmistakable way. They believe that if they say nothing or very little, the person who is the target for this will be sent a message that they are, in some way, not happy or angry. Their silence, they believe, is an indication that the person being targeted with the lack of noise is being punished by not hearing the words coming out of their mouth that they may be accustomed to hearing.
The problem with this approach is people like me. I don’t view “the silent treatment” as a punishment; that the person being quiet is causing me pain. No, kidlings, I look at it in the opposite way. When a coworker or someone else is being quiet, my first reaction is “Thank Christ he/she is not trying to talk to me.” In fact, most of the time I view the quietness as A Good Thing. This is especially true if it’s a person who has a tendency to bitch/moan/complain a lot, or has opinions about Every Subject Known to Man (most of which are stupid/boring/make no sense/all of the above). Silence is Golden, indeed.
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Here’s something to think about. Right now, in 2011, there are a lot of people employed in professions that did not exist 20 years ago. This is mostly due to the advancement of technology and changes in society in our world.
With that in mind, think about a job that you would love to do that doesn’t exist right now. Something that you would be good at and at the same time, enjoy immensely.
My personal choice would be Professional Masturbator. Job doesn’t exist, but maybe in the future it would, for whatever bizarre reason. Probably have to be done on a quota system, and, come to think of it (no pun intended) it probably already exists in the adult entertainment industry.
Still, it would be pretty cool to get paid for doing something we all already do for free. (Admit it, you masturbate. I know I do and have no problem with admitting it).
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Why do they call doctors and nurses “health care providers”? Do these people actually give you good health, or are they simply advisors to tell you ways to reach good health? “You look like shit. Here, I will provide you with some health”. Seems to me that they’re people who help you when your health really sucks.
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I find irony in a lot of things, especially here on Guam. For example, take American Grocery, which is a large very popular grocery store located in the heart of Dededo. It is staffed by a group who is 95% Filipino, and stocked with food that is 90% Chinese, Japanese, Filipino, and Korean. The store itself is owned by a Korean. Yet it’s called American Grocery. I find that a little weird.
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Getting older sucks, but, as I pointed out to my wife, it beats the hell out of the alternative, which is not getting older.
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