Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Job Stuff, Head Space, and Bad Driving at Its Finest

A look at job stuff, head space, and bad driving on a near criminal level……

One of my friends turned in his resignation yesterday where I work. Well, the word “friend” doesn’t quite cover it. He’s more like a brother than a friend, someone I would happily commit misdemeanors for if he needed something. Anyway, I knew that the resignation was coming now for a couple of months, and knew it wouldn’t be long in coming. The Management Team supposedly refused his resignation, even refused to pick up the paper it was written on.

It changes nothing, because a week from this Friday is his last day with our company, and that’s sad. Sad that it had to come to that. Management is in a panic mode now, but it’s way, way too late for them to do anything to convince him to stay. Pieces are already in motion at the new company my brother will be working at, and the move is going to happen. I’m happy for him because it means a better quality of life for him and his family; sad that our company was so utterly blind as to not see it coming. Also sad that I won’t get the opportunity to work with this mischievous genius every day. I know that he will be the first of a large group who will be leaving the company in due order.

What really gripes my ass is the fact that our management thinks that everything is hunky-dory. They ignore the data gathered from their own employee surveys that show that morale is at an all-time low within the company in general and my department in particular. Something has to change and soon; otherwise the flood gates will open and there will be a mass exodus from what used to be a great place to work.

When I started with this company 4 years ago, I was excited about my job. Loved it, in fact, and couldn’t wait to see what the next day had in store for me. Now, it’s just a paycheck and nothing else. I’ll do what is expected of me, but won’t pour the energy and drive into what I am doing like I did before. As Alexander Hamilton once said, “it has come to that”.

That and the fact that, simply put, I don’t give a shit anymore.


My head has been in a dark place now for the past couple of weeks, due to issues that I deem way to personal to get into in a blog or any other format. Personal and professional things have been weighing heavily on me, but I try not to dwell on any of it too much. These are things that are best kept to myself, and that I’m dealing with it. The only reason I mention it at all is so that everyone who interacts with me on a daily basis understands if I’m a bit moody. Since I’m sure someone will think of it, no, I do not feel like hurting myself or taking my own life, nothing like that. Let’s just say I’m going through some “dark times” and leave it at that.


There is an old bad joke that says if you want to lower the IQ of (name a race or country of origin), simply put them behind the wheel of a car. That can also clearly be said of the locals here on Guam. In the past two days I have seen behavior on the road so bizarre that it defies description. Complete and utter stupidity on a level I have never witnessed before, to include the 14 combined years I lived in Korea.

Driving an automobile is not a complicated thing, but apparently to a lot of people here it’s something they struggle with pretty hard.


That is all ye know and all ye need to know, at least for now.

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