Monday, June 7, 2010

Monday Evening at The Guam Desk

Time once again for another update from The Guam Desk……

Work has literally been kicking my ass for the past two weeks. It seems that as soon as I think I’m getting ahead, something comes up and I am once again pissing against the tide. I worked most of Saturday, only to get called out Saturday afternoon after being at home for a grand total of 30 minutes. Between the actual work that my bosses want me to finish, plus the general health of the network I am in charge of, plus some of the special projects that I want to get done, it seems like it’s never ending.

A little more than 3 weeks until The Gorgeous One comes home, and I cannot wait to see her. Between now and then, I have to engage in some serious apartment cleaning, because if she saw it the way it is now, she will most definitely kill me. She will also be able to go coconut crazy once she arrives here, as the trees in our side yard are full of coconuts. Add that to the neighbor’s mango trees, which he freely lets us take as many as we want, and she will be in fruit heaven.

I haven’t been on line much lately on the social networking, but that doesn’t mean I haven’t been busy in my limited free time. I’m continuing to work on my book, and for once the stuff is just flowing out of me. Aside from the true life no-shit stories, I’m also working on some stuff about serious subjects, like religion, homosexuality and other topics. I’m also considering working on a screenplay for a sitcom that is rattling around in my head, just for the general hell of it. If anyone is interested in reading some of the drivel, let me know and I’ll email you some chapters. Outside opinions are always welcome.

Had a lovely dinner the other night at my friend Jerry’s house. Along with Jerry and his lovely wife Gina, our friend Craig and his family stopped by, and my old boss and good friend Nancy showed up as well. One of those evenings where you sit around with good friends, drinking a few cold beers, and enjoying a cool night sitting around in lawn chairs and bullshitting.

It has been exceptionally dry here on Guam for the past couple of months. I think we need a couple of days of soaking rain to kind of level things off a bit.

I have another blog about leadership that I am reluctant to post. The reason for my reluctance is the fact that some people that I work with actually read this blog, and certain people would be grossly offended by what I have to say. That, and there are some rat bastards who would love to make cheese points with the bosses. If any of you are my friends on Myspace, you can look for it there. Better to be safe than unemployed.

For now, that’s it from this lovely island in the Northern Marianas, out in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, where the women are strong, the men good looking, and the children are all above average.

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