And now, boys & girls, time to take a look at the wacky world of sports from my somewhat skewed perspective. This blog is brought to you by the friendly folks at Starbucks and Marlboro, who remind you that if you’re gonna be addicted to something, make it something good (just not good for you, per se).
Albert Haynesworth/Washington Redskins
This is an individual who plays professional football for a living and signed a $100 Million Dollar contract not very long ago. Now Haynesworth has decided that he doesn't want to participate in any of the activities leading up to the start of football training camp because he doesn't like the direction that the team is going in.
Many of his teammates are calling him selfish. I am calling him an asshole. Last time I checked, football was a team sport, not one based on individual achievement. If he doesn't like the direction the team is going in, let him give up some of those fat Millions that the team gave him and let him move on. If he's not willing to give up the cash, he should show up for the work and shut his bitch-hole. A lot of us who work our asses off in regular jobs don't like the direction that our companies are going in, but we show up for work and give it our all. If we really can't stand it at work, we find another job. Albert Haynesworth is just another prick of a professional athlete who seems to think the world revolves around him, and doesn't realize, understand, or care what the rest of us go through on a daily basis.
Lebron James/Cleveland Cavaliers
Another asshole. The media, especially ESPN, is obsessed with whether or not this guy will re-sign with Cleveland, or go elsewhere. The Cavalier organization makes it sound like the world will stop revolving if he doesn't, and have embarrassed themselves publically to get him back.
If I were the general manager of the team, this whole issue would take exactly one phone call. "Hey Lebron, it's me. You planning on re-signing or not? I need an answer by the end of the week. If I get no answer, then we'll just assume that you and your monstrous ego won't be back for next year, and we'll move on without your ass. Have a nice day".
Note to ESPN: Most of us really don't give a shit about this story, so please give it a rest.
Peter King/Sports Illustrated
I actually used to read his Monday Morning Quarterback posts every Monday, but no more. Another case where the journalist feels that he is bigger than what he's covering. He also made a smart-assed comment about the Who playing the halftime show at the Super Bowl, which, as a devout Who fan, really pissed me off. He’s a hack and nothing more.
The US Open
I’m waiting to see if Mickelsen or Tiger lay the smackdown on Pebble Beach, or if someone else steps up. I really would like to see it come down to Tiger and Phil, because when they’re both playing at their best, no one in golf can touch them.
A side note concerning Tiger. I really don’t give a shit about what’s happening in his personal life. In fact, I’m surprised something like what happened didn’t happen earlier on in his career. I still like to watch him play golf. His personal life is no ones business but his own. That’s pretty much how I feel about any athlete, up to a point.
Brett Favre/Minnesota Vikings
We might as well get ready for another media circus, whether he will retire or not. Another case of “I don’t give a shit” on my part.
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