“It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt.”
Abraham Lincoln
Notes, tidbits of information, and just some of my normal mindless bullshit, for all to enjoy.
++ It has been unbelievably hot lately, even by Guam standards. I haven’t been much on the going out and doing anything on the weekends, other than taking care of the laundry and buying food. Best to stay indoors in the air conditioning, watching TV and reading and playing cards on line. All over the island, the grass is crunchy and brown, and I’m actually looking forward to the rainy season. I want to hear the sounds and feel the perceptible change as a large thunderstorm hits the island, Unlike some folks, I love thunderstorms, and really feel the need for one.
++ I won $43 from Saturday nights Sports Bingo draw. It isn’t much, but its $43 that I didn’t have two days ago, so it’s all good. Tuesday nights’ pot is $18 Million Large American Dollars, and my ticket is already hanging on the freezer door at home. Instead of letting the machine pick the numbers, I have gone ahead and picked my own. These numbers are based on my daughters’ birthday, my wife’s birthday, and a few other factors. We’ll see what happens, but something deep inside is telling me that something truly amazing is going to happen soon.
++ This morning I had what could be characterized as a GREAT meeting, if such things are possible. I won’t go into details, because there are still a few things hanging in the air and I don’t want to screw things up by getting too hopeful. Suffice to say, I left that meeting fairly confident and happy.
++ It feels like a new chapter in my life is getting ready to happen, a chapter filled with good things coming my way. Don’t know why I feel this way, but it’s definitely there, and it’s exciting. The phrase “rife with possibility” comes immediately to mind. For the first time in a very long time, I’m smiling a lot more, and my attitude is positive, hopeful. Like a light deep within me has been turned on and is burning brightly. It is a rare feeling and one that I am relishing.
++ In a little more than two weeks, The Gorgeous One (my beautiful bride) will be returning to Guam, after spending the last 5 months in the Philippines. It has been a rough period for her due to all of the drama she has had to deal with there, and I’m happy that she and I will once again be together. I’ve missed her a lot.
++ My congratulations to the Chicago Blackhawks for winning the Stanley Cup. I only got to watch Game 6 because of the time difference, but enjoyed it immensely. Good hockey is always fun to watch.
+ + Last week, I emailed 3 chapters of the book I am attempting to write to my daughter and a friend of mine in Atlanta who happens to be an editor by trade, in the hope that I could get some feedback on the gibberish I have written. One of the chapters was a rather deep look at religion, and the other two were based on some of the mischief I got into while living in Korea in the early 80’s. No feedback yet, but I continue to write, which is the primary reason I haven’t been posting much to this blog recently. If anyone else would like to get copies of some of this stuff emailed to them, feel free to email me and I’ll happily send it to you.
Something to Think About
ATTORNEY: So the date of conception (of the baby) was August 8th?
ATTORNEY: And what were you doing at that time?
WITNESS: Getting laid
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