Thursday, February 3, 2011

Weirdness at the Edge of Town

“When the Going Gets Weird, The Weird Turn Pro.”
Dr. Hunter S. Thompson

A little bit of this, a smidgeon of that, along with a heaping pile of my usual bullshit.


I know for a fact that my wife loves me. If she didn’t, then she would have been gone a long time ago. She doesn’t continue to put up with my bullshit because she has no other options, either financially or romantically.

With that said, though, I’m also intelligent enough to know that there are many times when she doesn’t really like me. When I hear the contempt in her voice, I know at that moment that she is thinking that I either have a learning disability or I’m slightly retarded.

I will freely admit that I suck at marriage. I’m far from the greatest husband in the world even though I worship the ground my wife walks on. I do things that I know will piss my wife off, but for some reason can’t stop doing those things, no matter how hard I try.

Maybe I am a little retarded after all.


The other day, as I was driving past Latte Stone Park near my house, I noticed a large group of Japanese tourists doing their thing. It reminded me of a question that has often crossed my mind when I come across a large group of Japanese tourists throughout my travels around Guam.

The question is this; is it a requirement that every Japanese male who is on vacation has to wear the ugliest hat available to him? We’re not talking just ugly. I’m taking about hats that are so hideous that they would be found in the “marked down for immediate sale” bin at even the shabbiest of stores. Headgear so bad, even Stevie Wonder wouldn’t wear it.

These same guys who are rocking the horrible lids almost always are in the company of really beautiful women. Not just your average every day run-of-the-mill pretty girl; I’m talking about some women that make a brother stop in his tracks just to admire what he is seeing. Is there a correlation between the shitty chapeaus and the gorgeous women-folk? Something to think about.


There are a small group of my best friends on the planet who, unbeknownst by their present employers, are getting ready to walk off their jobs. All of these friends are fed up with their present employer, and it all has to do in some form or fashion with leadership.

People deserve to be led, not managed. You manage equipment, systems, situations. Human beings have to have leadership. You simply cannot manage people. Doesn’t work, never has, and never will. It’s sad because this group of friends have literally bled for the company that they work for, sacrificed themselves, put their families second to the needs of their employer on many occasions. Kids birthdays missed, quality time with the spouse set aside, vacations never taken.

I know the people that these friends work for, and would love to be a fly on the wall when they go in to hand in their resignations. Not for the ugliness involved, because there will be nothing ugly about it. These guys know how to do things in a classy way. No, the reason I would like to see it when it happens is to see that moment of awareness in their managers face when he realizes “I have well and truly fucked up, big time”.


That is all Ye know, and all Ye need to know, for now anyway.

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