Thursday, August 26, 2010

Story Songs

It’s no huge secret that one of the things that keeps me going on a daily basis is music. There are certain things I could live without, but music isn’t one of them. Like a lot of people, a good song at the appropriate time can change the way you feel about the shit that happens in our lives. You could be having an absolutely horrible day, and then hear something you haven’t heard in a while that just completely changes the focus of though.

Of all the genres of music, one of my favorites is what I refer to as “the story song”. While all music tells a story in it’s own way, the story song actually spells out something, has linearity, and most of the time a definite beginning and end. With that said, here are some of my favorites.

One for My Baby (And One More For the Road) – Frank Sinatra
This is one of those boozy kinds of torch songs that just sucks you in. A guy is talking to a bartender, telling him his woes, accompanied by some understated but great music. He apologizes to the bartender, but then goes on to tell his tale. No vocal explosions, nothing that feels out of place. Probably one of the most perfect songs about a love that has gone wrong and the regrets felt because of it. Forget “My Way”; this is Sinatra at his absolute best.

A Boy Named Sue – Johnny Cash
Cash sang so many songs that told stories that it’s hard to pick out a favorite. Sue is hilarious, but it’s also kind of poignant as well. When Sue finally meets his dad, he wants to kick his ass, and Cash describes the fight in detail. At the end of the encounter, however, he “comes away with a different point of view”. Brilliantly sung and still makes me laugh every time I hear it.

The Wreck of the Edmond Fitzgerald – Gordon Lightfoot
One of the greatest songs about death ever written. Fantastic lyrics, which are helped by Lightfoot’s unusual (but not unpleasant) vocal sound. “Wreck” has a murky, ominous quality about it. While some would argue that the guitar work within the song is overdone or out of place, I think it actually frames everything out quite well.

The River – Bruce Springsteen
Somewhat depressing, but I absolutely love this song. “The Boss” tells a story about how the events in our lives change the focus of our lives, and sometimes not in the way we want the change to occur. “Is a dream alive that won’t come true, or is it something worse?” is one of the coolest lyrics ever written.

Strong Persuader – The Robert Cray Band
A story of adultery, told from the perspective of the guy who instigated it and caused the break up of a couple. Robert Cray is an amazing guitarist, and the solo in this cut is just incredible. It’s not only the story that’s written really well, but just the overall groove of the song, kind of makes you want to bounce a bit. Not many people know about Robert Cray, and if you have never heard him, he’s worth giving a serious listen to.

There are others that I’ve probably forgotten about, but the songs listed above are definitely on my short list.

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